Reclaiming Our Nation - Fixing Democracy
An unblinking look at modern democracy and its associated systems of government administration.
27 episodes
27 - Doctor, fix me! I’ll pay you anything!
If we have healthcare insurance, we can agree to whatever treatment our doctor recommends. We don’t care if the cost is unreasonable. The forces of supply and demand do not apply to medical services and products.
Season 4
Episode 5
26 - You kids get off of my lawn!
We need laws and we must follow them. If a despot should gain control of our government, they get to rewrite the laws. It is never pretty. At that point, democracy ends. No citizen militia can overthrow a dictator in control of the nation’s ...
Season 4
Episode 4
25 - Education - My poppa tole me what to think!
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” ~ Aristotle
Season 4
Episode 3
24 - What do you mean I “have to” work?
While we work, we think of the sacrifices and struggles of our forebears, how they helped us and how we wish to help our children in similar ways.
Season 4
Episode 2
23 - This country is run by socialists! Leave me alone!
The “nanny state” is a symptom of a broken government system. Like in a dictatorship, other people decide what is best for us, whether we agree with them or not.
Season 4
Episode 1
22 - Let’s make the kids run the government!
A big issue related to the secondment of fresh people into bureaus, the staffing of deliberation teams, and getting non-politicians into legislative roles, is how these programs will be staffed.
Season 3
Episode 7
21 - Government Service – How about Conscription?
If we acknowledge that we, the citizens of our nation, are responsible for governing ourselves and that, as a citizen-body, we are the government, it is in our best interests to contribute, individually, to its wellbeing.
Season 3
Episode 6
20 - Government Bureaucracy: How to fix a broken bureau
Privatizing the government bureaus is NOT the solution for busting up bureaucracy. The solution is in staffing systems where fresh ideas come from fresh people within the bureaus themselves.
Season 3
Episode 5
19 - Bureaucracy: Why is the DMV so slow?
Properly structured government bureaus are critical to a vibrant society. A bureau’s stodgy bureaucratic culture can be turned into a healthy efficiency-focused one.
Season 3
Episode 4
18 - What does the government do with all the money?
Our government churns through tons of money each year. It seems we only receive a tiny sliver of the benefits. An analysis of where the rest goes and what needs to change.
Season 3
Episode 3
17 - My elected representative doesn’t “represent” me
Sometimes, it seems, that the laws that are passed are not what we were expecting. The process needs more input from everyday citizens.
Season 3
Episode 2
16 - Deliberative Democracy - Another way to run a country
All citizens should have a means to actively contribute to the development of law and policy. There are tested and proven ways.
Season 3
Episode 1
15 - Stop making my taxes so complicated!
It would be ideal if we all contributed equally to the wellbeing of our nation, including sharing equally in the cost of our agreed-upon government programs. It’s not possible.
Season 2
Episode 7
14 - Monetary Compensation: Putting food on the table
Money represents the market price we receive for our time and ideas. Some of us make lots of money for the time we sell; others make less.
Season 2
Episode 6
13 - Let's make immigrants pay the national debt
The theory is that our economy will grow sufficiently such that, as our kids become wage-earning adults, it’s okay to saddle them with the debt from our current indulgences.
Season 2
Episode 5
12 - Immigrants - Newcomers from an old country
A nation’s criteria for immigration must be an individual’s merit; not their level of duress in their parent country.
Season 2
Episode 4
11 - Why don't we just divorce already?
Even though the forces for separation can be strong, splitting a nation into pieces solves nothing.
Season 2
Episode 3
10 - Myth making and nation building
“No society, no matter how tolerant, can expect to thrive if its citizens don’t prize what their citizenship means.” ~ Salman Rushdie
Season 2
Episode 2
09 - What is a "nation" anyway?
In times of great stress, such as the Second World War, our sense of nation seems almost natural; nationhood is implicit and few question it.
Season 2
Episode 1
08 - A rant against Special Interest Groups
Their goal is to tip the scale toward a particular election candidate, political party or legislative outcome.
Season 1
Episode 8
07 - What do you mean politics is not a lifetime career?
It is sometimes said that only coups and revolutions end democracies. In reality, there are also subtler, more incremental evolutions to the end.
Season 1
Episode 7
06 - What DOES a President do?
“Any large organization will devolve from a direct democracy to one where decision-making is appropriated by a narrow group of leaders”. ~ Robert Michels, 1911.
Season 1
Episode 6
05 - Why can’t I vote from my beach chair?
We can make life changing financial transactions online. We can check our medical records online. We can file highly confidential tax forms online. But vote??? Pffff!
Season 1
Episode 5